MDDUS protects you, protects your business

Simple, comprehensive vicarious liability protection for dental practice owners

  • Date: 16 August 2021

 DENTISTRY is constantly evolving, with new practice ownership structures and now the demand for innovative products to address the concern around liability following the court judgments in Breakingbury v Croad and in Hughes v Rattan.

The judgments highlighted the risk of dental claims being brought against practice owners, alleging vicarious liability and breaches in the non-delegable duty of care that owners have to patients for incidents of negligent care provided by employed or contracted associate dentists, hygienists and therapists.

As a business, we understand the need to have the right protection in place for any eventuality. This is why MDDUS has responded comprehensively to meet the needs of all dental practice owners, both individuals and where the practice is owned by limited companies, partnerships or other corporate vehicles.

Single practices

For dental principals who own and work in a single practice, MDDUS has automatically extended membership so that they can seek assistance with claims raised against them as a practice owner which arise from their vicarious liability or their non-delegable duty of care to patients. For more information visit our GDP Indemnity Membership page.

Corporate bodies

Our new brand, MDDUS Solutions, is designed to support larger healthcare businesses with their indemnity and insurance requirements. Through MDDUS Solutions, corporate bodies can access a new Dental Corporate Clinical Indemnity (DCCI) product, provided by MDDUS, and specifically designed to protect corporate members against the liability gap for dental providers with more than one practice.

New corporate indemnity

Providing the directors and owners of corporate bodies with access to vicarious liability protection, professional advice and representation, DCCI provides dento-legal advice whenever you need it – and offers the personal understanding and empathy of fellow healthcare professionals.

Protecting your corporate liabilities with our product will provide you with benefits including:

  • vicarious liability protection against a claim where the practitioner who has provided the treatment cannot be joined within the claim
  • access to indemnity on a claims-made, discretionary basis
  • retrospective coverage dating back to when you joined MDDUS or five years (the longer period of the two will apply).

Chris Godeseth, MDDUS Customer and development director, said: “MDDUS Solutions may be a new company but it has behind it the considerable expertise and experience of MDDUS. We are long-established specialists in healthcare liability protection and support.

“You can be assured that we will provide the shield of professional protection your business needs.”


This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.

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