Advice and support when you need it
MDDUS provides access to some of the UK's most experienced experts in the medico- and dento-legal fields. They understand the challenges you face on a daily basis. They’re here to help you deal with difficult situations efficiently and expertly.
Our medical advisory team is made up of doctors and practice managers with specialist medico-legal experience. They are available to provide advice and support 24/7.
Our dental advisory team are all dentists with specialist dento-legal experience, providing members with 24-hour advice and support.
YourHalo - caring for your health and wellbeing
As a valued member, you have free current access to a confidential support service that is available 24/7. If you need someone to talk to or feel yourself needing support, please act now and find out how we can support you.
Protect your future
We can now offer Income Protection Plus insurance to all our members. It could provide you with peace of mind that you would continue to receive a regular income if you become unable to practise due to illness or injury. You can tailor a plan that suits your personal circumstances.
Annual report and accounts 2023
MDDUS is a mutual that is run for the benefit of its membership. We were founded in 1902 to protect and support doctors and dentists. Read about our strategy and performance in 2023 as we grow and transform our organisation.
Working with others in a group, partnership or company?
MDDUS Solutions offers bespoke indemnity solutions for groups as well as businesses, making it easier and more affordable to protect against malpractice and vicarious liability claims.
Learn moreResources for healthcare professionals
Our resource library offers a wide range of information on legal, regulatory and clinical risk, as well as news, features and case studies. Read some of our recent articles or click below to browse all resources.
A guide to clinical handovers, delegation and referral
An update on the latest professional guidance on delegation and referral, and advice on delivering and receiving clinical handovers
10 questions to ask before giving feedback
Feedback is a crucial part of supporting patient safety – here’s how you can get it right.
Advice for doctors during industrial action
MDDUS advice for doctors in line with our commitment always to support our members with dedicated professional advice.
Risk: Burnout risks patient safety
The rising incidence and severity of reported burnout among NHS staff is not just a wellbeing issue.