Results Showing | 41 - 50 of 140
It is essential that practices have a clear and transparent process for dealing with complaints.
Record keeping
Good medical records can ensure that patients receive continuity of care
Delays in referring patients for further tests or specialist opinion can lead to delayed diagnosis and potential patient harm.
GP Complaints
It is essential that practices have a clear and transparent process for dealing with complaints.
A significant percentage of negligence claims arise from prescribing system errors , making this an important risk area for practices to consider.
Maintaining confidentiality is essential in providing safe patient care.
Duty of candour checklist
Use this checklist to check whether you and your team have the necessary knowledge and processes in place
Confidentiality checklist
Use this checklist to identify any risks in how your team maintain patient confidentiality
Records management checklist
This checklist can help to review the way your practice manages the integrity and security of patient records.
Results handling checklist
Use this checklist to review your results handling procedures in order to avoid common medicolegal errors