Results Showing | 91 - 100 of 149
Safe management of testing and results handling processes in primary care
This on-demand webinar is designed for anyone in the primary care team.
Decision making and consent
This on-demand webinar for junior doctors is available to watch now
Dealing with challenging patient contacts in dental practice
Available to watch now, this webinar is designed for clinical and non-clinical leads in the dental team.
Tips on complaint handling (for doctors working in occupational health medicine)
This on-demand webinar focuses on the effective management of complaints in relation to the practice of occupational health medicine.
Risk assessment methodologies in primary care (medical and dental)
This on-demand webinar is designed to equip members with the knowledge to assess, measure and plan the mitigation of risks.
Dealing with challenging patient contacts in GP practice
This on-demand webinar is designed for GPs, PMs and other clinical/non-clinical leads in primary care.
Raising and responding to concerns: your duty as a dentist
This on-demand webinar is designed for any dental professional to attend, and may also be useful for dental practice managers and other dental staff.
Consent in implant dentistry
This on-demand one-hour webinar explores the relevant law and regulatory guidance in relation to consent to treatment in implant dentistry.
Introduction to Dental Expert work
Available to watch now, this webinar explores the dentolegal and regulatory aspects of Dental Expert work.
Automatic online patient access to NHS England GP records – a Q&A session
Available to watch now, this free webinar is suitable for anyone processing or managing patient records in the primary care team.