Record strain on emergency departments
EMERGENCY departments in England experienced the highest number of 12-hour and four-hour stays on record in September.
YourHalo: your wellbeing is our priority
MDDUS encouragement to their members to look after their mental health and wellbeing and how they can access the YourHalo: Emotional Wellbeing support service.
Human factors masterclass - MDDUS discount
A LIMITED number of places are left on a two-day human factors masterclass being run by Terema – a leading training organisation specialising in human factors.
Pinpoint fistula
...The letter of claim alleges that the dentist failed to adequately seal the extraction site, and later diagnose and refer Mrs L for specialist treatment to close the suspected oro-antral communication...
Preparing for Covid inquiries
The Scottish government recently announced it will establish a public inquiry into its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Governments across the UK are expected to follow suit. What should you do to prepare?
Cancer targets missed “year-on-year”
NEARLY 55,000 cancer patients should have been diagnosed quicker or started their treatment sooner over the last six years, according to analysis from Cancer Research UK.
MDDUS makes three appointments to its board of directors
MDDUS has made a series of high-profile appointments to its board of directors including the senior surgeon to the UK Royal Household.
Greater flexibility for dentists with additional development needs
DENTAL professionals in England who are subject to conditions or undertakings following a fitness to practise hearing can now choose who provides their development support.
Revised dental guidance on prevention
A NEW edition of Delivering Better Oral Health: an evidence based toolkit for prevention has been issued with an endorsement from The College of General Dentistry.
MDDUS makes three appointments to its board of directors
MDDUS has made a series of high-profile appointments to its board of directors including the senior surgeon to the UK Royal Household.