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Practice management: One of my employees is pregnant – what do we both need to do?

Employment law adviser Janice Sibbald offers advice on the responsibilities of both employer and employee during pregnancy.

  • 23 August 2022
  • Article
  • Insight - Dental
  • Q3

Professional pitfalls in social media use

Risk adviser Kay Louise Grant highlights the importance of being aware of professional expectations on how we behave online.

  • 23 August 2022
  • Article
  • Insight - Dental
  • Q3

Book choice: Hybrid Humans - Dispatches from the frontiers of man and machine

Book review of Hybrid Humans - Dispatches from the frontiers of man and machine

  • 23 August 2022
  • Article
  • Insight - Dental
  • Q3

Ethics: A girl I used to know - on Derry Girls and ethical development

Professor Deborah Bowman watches hit TV series Derry Girls and reflects on the way our values and ethical principles develop from childhood to adulthood.

  • 23 August 2022
  • Article
  • Insight - Dental
  • Q3

Dental case study: Persistent gingival swelling

...Mrs L, a smoker, presents with painful swollen gums, bleeding and swollen lymph nodes, and the dentist suspects periodontal infection...

  • 23 August 2022
  • Case study
  • Insight - Dental
  • Q3

Survey reveals NHS dentistry at “tipping point”

A BBC survey has found that 90 per cent of NHS dental practices are not accepting new adult dental patients, and 80 per cent are not taking on children.

  • 11 August 2022
  • News

GDC fitness to practise report reveals ethnic disparity

A DISPROPORTIONATELY high number of fitness to practise concerns received by the General Dental Council (GDC) in 2021 were raised against Asian or Asian British dentists compared to their proportion of the total register.

  • 11 August 2022
  • News

Unwanted advances

How would you deal with the difficult situation of a patient making romantic advances? Risk adviser Kay Louise Grant offers advice on maintaining boundaries with patients.

  • 29 July 2022
  • Risk alert

Dental case study: Fractured tuberosity

...The claim alleges that Ms R should have been given specific warnings regarding the risk of a fractured tuberosity...

  • 29 July 2022
  • Case study

Medical case study: Patient buying medication online

...Dr A is advised that she should not let Mr G coerce her into prescribing medication that she does not believe is appropriate or serves his needs...

  • 29 July 2022
  • Case study

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