
Health literacy on the information superhighway

One of the most notable ways the internet has changed medicine is by encouraging greater health literacy.


Ethics as interpretation

Deborah Bowman highlights the ethical importance of interpretation by clinicians when applying new discoveries to patient care.


An integrated approach

New MDDUS Board member Professor Jason Leitch talks to Summons about ongoing reform in Scottish public health and his role in promoting innovation


Unfit to drive

Barry Parker looks at the factors to consider when a medical condition may compromise a patient’s fitness to drive


Medicine on the edge

Jim Killgore speaks with Dr Stephen Hearns of the Scottish Emergency Medical Retrieval Service (EMRS)


Sepsis alert

Dr Ron Daniels of the UK Sepsis Trust highlights the importance of improved diagnosis and management in this oft-missed condition.


Resistance is futile

Doug Hamilton considers the dilemma faced by dentists in deciding when antibiotic treatment is a necessity


Vignette: cardiologist and inventor of the portable defibrillator, Frank Pantridge

Allan Gaw recounts the life and career of this innovative physician

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Insight (formerly Summons) is published quarterly and distributed to all MDDUS members throughout the UK.

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Insight 2019 Q4 cover

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