
Viewpoint: Covid-19 has caused regulatory corners to be cut

MDDUS CEO Chris Kenny spoke at a recent Professional Standards Authority symposium, looking at some of the key changes that regulators have made in response to the pandemic.


Domestic abuse and remote consulting

HOUSEHOLD isolation measures during the pandemic have increased risks for those under threat from domestic abuse. A majority of clinical interactions now being undertaken remotely means reduced opportunities to recognise and act on cases


Remote prescribing

Prescribing medication is a common outcome in consultations but it is not without obvious risks – and these can be increased when consulting remotely


Consent - six common pitfalls

In light of new GMC guidance, barrister and ethicist Dr Daniel Sokol discusses key considerations for doctors when obtaining consent


The story of a vaccination

As the UK begins to administer its first approved Covid vaccine, Allan Gaw looks at the key role played by an 18th century British doctor in the battle against infectious disease


Investigating a death - giving evidence

Key advice on attending a coroner's inquest or fatal accident inquiry - second in a two part series


Risk: Surviving the 'coronacoaster'

Senior risk adviser Liz Price discusses how minimising the impact of Covid-related stress on your teams can improve patient safety

Case study

Case study - Elective surgery risk

...Mrs U has a life-limiting condition and desires an elective procedure which she believes will enhance her quality of life...

Case study

Case study - Concerned loved one

...David says Dr L disregarded his welfare power of attorney in regard to treatment decisions in the care of his father....

Case study

Case study - Liability denied

...It is alleged that Mr D failed to carry out surgical treatment with adequate skill, and in particular he neglected to correctly size and align the implant...


Wellbeing: Lockdown self care

MDDUS medico-legal adviser Dr Emily Shepherd and her dachshund Daphne explain in a short video how she looks after her mental health and wellbeing


Ethics: The "round hole" problem

Professor Deborah Bowman considers how the success of clinical ethics groups often rests on the ability of “different shaped pegs” to come together to explore unfamiliar or difficult ideas


Book choice: Duty of care

Book review by Dr Greg Dollman


Vignette: William Price (1800-1893)

Welsh doctor, archdruid and advocate of cremation

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Insight Secondary is published quarterly and distributed to MDDUS members through the UK who work in secondary care

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Insight Secondary Care Q3 cover

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