Results Showing | 31 - 40 of 40
Poetry for new doctors
MDDUS is pleased to be among the sponsors of a new edition of Tools of the Trade: Poems for new doctors, a "gift from the medical profession to its newest members" which is being distributed to all doctors graduating in Scotland in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
WATCH: MDDUS joins campaign to support stressed doctors
MDDUS’ joint head of medical division Dr John Holden joined a panel of experts for a roundtable debate exploring ways of supporting doctors suffering from stress and burnout.
MDDUS response to General Practice Forward View
MDDUS chief executive Chris Kenny responds to NHS England's General Practice Forward View.
Time is of the essence in civil claims
WHEN on the receiving end of a civil claim in England or Wales, members need to be aware that strict time limits apply and therefore the MDDUS should be contacted at the earliest opportunity.
MDDUS launches CQC toolbox resource
A NEW “CQC toolbox” is now available on the MDDUS website to help members comply with quality and safety requirements.
MDDUS reminds members to “say sorry”
MDDUS is reiterating advice on the importance of apologising to patients when things go wrong.
GDC challenged to turn aspiration into action
MDDUS welcomes the GDC’s plans to improve the current complaints system and reform fitness to practise procedures for dentists facing investigation.
Leading through uncertainty – places available
PLACES are available on MDDUS Risk Management's popular Leading Through Uncertainty course developed specifically for doctors with management responsibilities.
Protecting our members – new Risk Factor video
THE future vision of new MDDUS Chief Executive Chris Kenny is the focus of the latest Risk Factor video.
Bleak Practice – episode 3
THE third instalment in our popular video learning module Bleak Practice is now available to MDDUS members.