Results Showing | 21 - 30 of 38
Human factors masterclass
MDDUS have partnered with aviation and healthcare safety experts Terema to bring you this excellent programme based on their experience teaching crew resource management (CRM) within the airlines.
MDDUS feels the force
MDDUS has recently purchased Hend House, the London headquarters of Industrial Light & Magic, the visual effects arm of the LucasFilm production company.
Summons Spring 2015 puzzle solution
Solution to Summons Spring 2015 crossword puzzle
Receptionists managing access to clinicians – interactive risk exercise
AN interactive risk exercise focusing on the receptionist’s role in managing patient access to clinicians is now available on MDDUS website.
MDDUS Risk Bites podcasts now online
MDDUS Risk Management is pleased to announce the launch of their new Risk Bites podcast series.
Practice and corporate scheme membership
Members who have Practice or Corporate Scheme Membership with MDDUS should note that it is their responsibility to ensure that membership is being adequately maintained.
Subscription rates for special GP cover
MEMBERS are required to ensure that they are in the correct membership category and paying the appropriate subscription associated with the work they undertake.
Leading through uncertainty - places available
PLACES are available on MDDUS Risk Management's popular Leading Through Uncertainty course developed specifically for doctors with management responsibilities.
Health and safety in primary care – LAW course
MDDUS members can enjoy special rates for a Law at Work (LAW) course on managing health and safety in GP and dental practices.
New MHRA e-learning module on corticosteroids
The MHRA has launched a new interactive module to help clinicians understand how to identify, manage and avoid side effects when using corticosteroids.