Domiciliary dental care
...Dr U will not be accompanied by a GDC registrant and that raises the question as to whether a care home assistant could be categorised as an “appropriately trained care professional"...
No reply
Medical case study
Near miss
Dental case study
Case study: No reply
...Dr W has tried repeatedly to invite Ms G for a diabetic review but the patient has not responded...
Case study: Nose lesion
...Mr D complains of a non-healing lesion over the course of several months...
Case study: Accidental overdose
...Mr K presents with nausea and vomiting and it transpires he had been mistakenly following his previous medication routine...
Case study: Near miss
...Just before handing over the tablets the pharmacist notes from his records that Mrs J is allergic to penicillin...
Case Study: Broken file
...A review of the patient records reveals that Dr F had noted that there might be a file fragment lodged in the mesial canal and included a reminder to undertake a periapical radiograph at the next visit, but there is no record that this was done...
Case study: Debonded retainer
...Mr T returns to the practice claiming that during treatment the hygienist had damaged the bonding along one side of his retainer causing it to partially detach...
Broken file
Dental case study