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MDDUS reminds members to check cover is up to date

MEMBERS are being urged to ensure their medical and dental indemnity subscription gives them the cover they need as the NHS continues to recover from the pandemic.

  • 22 September 2022
  • MDDUS Update

Positive results for friends and family tests

THE vast majority of patient responses to the healthcare “friends and family test” (FFT) were positive, latest figures from NHS England show.

  • 12 September 2022
  • News

Call for new patient safety commissioners across UK

PATIENT safety commissioners should be appointed in each UK country to reduce risks in health and social care, according to a new report.

  • 09 September 2022
  • News

HR Alert: Managing staff absence

Employee sick days are on the rise. Read our step-by-step guide to dealing with short and long term absence.

  • 08 September 2022
  • Employment Law Update
  • Article

Ask the Expert: My employee has long Covid - what should I do?

Our practice nurse has been off with Covid for six months with no return date in sight. What should I do?

  • 08 September 2022
  • Employment Law Update
  • Article

Advice: Tackling workplace bullying

Taking a proactive approach is key to creating a positive working environment.

  • 08 September 2022
  • Employment Law Update
  • Article

Case study: An independent appeal

...Mrs M carried out the investigation into the employee's behaviour, while her twin sister was responsible for the appeal...

  • 08 September 2022
  • Employment Law Update
  • Article

A statement from MDDUS on the announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

MDDUS wish to record our gratitude for the role Her Majesty played in public life throughout her lifetime.

  • 08 September 2022
  • Press release

Dental case study: Persistent gingival swelling

...Mrs L, a smoker, presents with painful swollen and bleeding gums, and swollen lymph nodes. The dentist suspects periodontal infection...

  • 31 August 2022
  • Case study

Don't get caught out on indemnity cover

You wouldn't drive a car or go on an expensive holiday without insurance, so it's vital healthcare professionals don't practise without appropriate indemnity cover in place. 

  • 31 August 2022
  • Risk alert

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