Case study: RTA disclosure
A few months later Ms G writes to the practice complaining that Dr T has breached doctor-patient confidentiality by disclosing her full medical record instead of only the section relating to the RTA injuries
Bone loss
...It is alleged that Dr W neglected to secure informed consent for the procedure and failed to provide an adequate standard of treatment...
Concerned loved one
...David claims that Dr L disregarded his welfare power of attorney in regard to treatment decisions in the care of his father....
Case study: Unstable implant
...Mr W demands he be refunded for the cost of his implant which he says is unstable and has required repeated tightening...
Case study: Domiciliary dental care
...Dr U has been asked to provide dental treatment in a care home, but her dental nurse would not be available to assist...
Case study: Bone loss
...Mr F is unhappy with the denture fit and the labial bony defect left by the extraction...
Case study - Concerned loved one
...David says Dr L disregarded his welfare power of attorney in regard to treatment decisions in the care of his father....
Case study - Liability denied
...It is alleged that Mr D failed to carry out surgical treatment with adequate skill, and in particular he neglected to correctly size and align the implant...
Case study - Elective surgery risk
...Mrs U has a life-limiting condition and desires an elective procedure which she believes will enhance her quality of life...
Elective surgery risk
...Mrs U has a life-limiting condition and desires an elective procedure which she believes will enhance her quality of life...