MDDUS responds to judgement on GDC v Aga
Immediate orders are no longer a rarity. The lack of clarity in the law, risks the timeline of suspension becoming unacceptably punitive, particularly to any registrant seeking to appeal the decision.
Without a focus on patient safety doctors risk regulatory action
Wes Streeting right to call for patient safety to be prioritised over meeting targets, says doctors’ organisation
MDDUS ‘pleased’ dental regulator will continue to allow in-person hearings
Commenting on the decision, Dr Rachael Bell, head of dental at MDDUS, said: “We’re pleased to see that the option of a hearing in-person remains, as by no means all cases will be appropriate for remote hearings."
MDDUS responds to increase of the Personal Injury Discount Rate
Responding to the announcement, Chris Kenny, Chief Executive of MDDUS, said:
“The decision to increase the personal injury discount rate is a welcome step forward from the disproportionately low figure currently in place."
MDDUS responds to the GMC 2024 workforce report
MDDUS responds to the GMC's workforce report, 'The state of medical education and practice in the UK'
MDDUS responds to Chancellor’s Mansion House Speech
Chris Kenny, Chief Executive, said: “This vote of confidence by the government in the mutual sector and its distinctive democratic and member-focused ethos is very welcome."
MDDUS named Workplace/Employer of the Year at Scottish HR Network Awards
Kim Johnstone, Director of People and Corporate Services, said: “This award is a testament to the outstanding people at MDDUS who make it a brilliant place to work."
Every death during a fitness to practise investigation is one too many
MDDUS responds to the GDC’s report on dental professionals who have died while FtP concerns were investigated.
Articles of Association
New Articles of Association for MDDUS were agreed by the members at the Annual General Meeting on 20 September 2024.
Doctors' body responds to GMC report that discrimination in medicine is ‘persistent and pernicious’
Dr Naeem Nazem, head of medical at MDDUS, said: “Our own research shines a light on the harsh reality of working life for many doctors, particularly those who qualified overseas and now work in the NHS."