
Age of consent

Gail Gilmartin offers a primer on UK law regarding consent in children and young adults.


Being realistic for patients

Dr Catherine Calderwood talks to Summons about her ambitious plans for a common sense, patient-focused approach to healthcare


Never again

Allan Gaw recounts the origin of The Nuremberg Code on human research and considers its modern-day relevance


For want of an apology

Risk adviser Alan Frame looks at how a considered apology to a patient when things go wrong can often defuse a fraught face-to-face encounter


Pulmonary embolism

A low threshold of suspicion is advised for this common and often fatal condition


Sea change in consent

Dental adviser Doug Hamilton tests the waters after a landmark legal ruling on shared decision making in consent


Vignette: Neurosurgeon and polymath Sir Victor A H Horsley (1857-1916)

Julia Merrick recounts the life and career of this brilliant medical innovator

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Insight (formerly Summons) is published quarterly and distributed to all MDDUS members throughout the UK.

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Insight 2019 Q4 cover

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