Results Showing | 11 - 20 of 44
MDDUS monitoring safe spaces legislation
THE MDDUS public affairs and communications team is tracking the progress of the Health Service Safety Investigation Bill, which aims to enable safe spaces for healthcare staff to speak freely to investigators. The Bill was introduced in the Lords, and had its second reading on Tuesday 29 October.
Record keeping training - sign up now
EXPLORE the key medico-legal requirements and frameworks associated with good record keeping for doctors in our interactive full day workshops in Glasgow and London.
Extended indemnity for flu vaccination of general practice staff
MDDUS has decided to extend indemnity for staff flu vaccinations this winter to our general practice group schemes and individual GP members.
MDDUS revises Articles of Association and appoints new executive director
THE MDDUS Board has undertaken a review of the organisation’s Articles of Association and is pleased to announce the appointment of Emma Parfitt as a new executive director
Existing Liabilities Scheme - statement by MDDUS
MDDUS has announced that it has concluded an agreement to transfer its existing liabilities for the NHS activities of English GPs to the UK Government.
Insight Autumn Q3 2019 puzzle solution
Insight Autumn Q3 2019 puzzle solution
Safeguarding reports and CNSGP
THE Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has confirmed that the compiling of safeguarding reports for NHS patients will now be included within scope of the CNSPG (Clinical Negligence Scheme for General Practice) in England.
Sorry to see you go
MDDUS is saying goodbye to three longstanding members of staff, part of the lifeblood of the organisation for the last nearly 40 years.
MDDUS records another year of growth in face of external challenges
MDDUS is reporting yet another year of sustained membership growth while addressing external challenges and distractions.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the One Hundred and Sixteenth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland