Results Showing | 1 - 10 of 38
New risk video on raising safety concerns
EXPLORE the issues surrounding raising concerns about patient safety in a new video module from MDDUS Risk Management.
Doctors assisting in Cumbrian floods will be supported by MDDUS
MEMBERS who responded to the urgent call in Cumbria to help in the aftermath of the storm will have access to indemnity for this assistance.
Practice Managers’ Conference a big success
THE MDDUS Practice Managers’ Conference has enjoyed another successful year for 2015.
Summons Autumn 2015 puzzle solution
Solution to Summons Autumn 2015 crossword puzzle
NHS England performers list - new Risk Factor video
Alan Frame is joined by MDDUS solicitor Susan Trigg to discuss the scope, remit and impact of NHS England investigations under the Performers List Regulations 2013.
Social media and medico-legal principles - new risk videos
TWO new risk presentations are now available for members to watch online.
Nominations open for eighth annual BMJ Awards
NOMINATIONS are now invited for The BMJ Awards 2016 – once again with headline sponsorship by MDDUS.
MDDUS principal sponsor of RCGP Glasgow conference
THE RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference returns to Glasgow this year with MDDUS as principal sponsor.
New MDDUS documentary on dental risks
MDDUS members can explore common risks of dental practice in a new documentary from Risk Management.
Summons Summer 2015 puzzle solution
Solution to Summons Summer 2015 crossword puzzle