Additional services for doctors
MDDUS offers a confidential support service to our members and their employed staff that is available 24/7. Provided through an independent partner, YourHalo – Emotional Wellbeing is a holistic and evidence-based approach to managing your emotional wellbeing. Experienced healthcare professionals are only a click or phone call away to provide you with support when you need it.GMC
The GMC’s Support Resources provides an extensive list of advice and support resources available to doctors across the UK.BMA
The BMA’s Counselling and peer support services are open to all doctors and medical students, regardless of whether they are BMA members. The BMA also offers other Wellbeing support services.British Doctors and Dentists Group
The British Doctors and Dentists Group is a mutual/self-help group of doctors and dentists from all levels of the professions across the UK who are recovering from, or wish to recover from addiction to alcohol, drugs and other addictions.DocHealth
DocHealth is a confidential, not for profit, psychotherapeutic consultation service for all doctors.Doctorshelp provides financial support for doctors and their families. This resource brings together five independent charities that can provide financial support for doctors when they need confidential financial assistance.Doctors in distress
Doctors in distress provides mental health support for all health workers across the UK through confidential, facilitated peer support groups.Doctor's Support Network
The Doctor’s Support Network provides a confidential peer support network for doctors and medical students with concerns about their mental health.Resilient Practice
Resilient Practice is an organisation which aims to raise awareness of the importance of personal resilience in modern life. Resources focus on increasing resilience and wellbeing and reducing risk of burnout.The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund offers help for doctors (and medical students) and their families in need. The Vital Signs guides provide help and advice to doctors and medical students.Samaritans
Samaritans. “If you need someone to talk to, we listen.”The Sick Doctors Trust
The Sick Doctors Trust offers independent “support and help for doctors, dentists and medical students who are concerned about their use of drugs or alcohol”.Regional support for doctors
NHS Practitioner Health is available to doctors in England. It is a “free, confidential NHS mental health treatment service with expertise in treating healthcare professionals.”Scotland
The Workforce Specialist Service is delivered by NHS Practitioner Health. It is a confidential, multidisciplinary mental health treatment service for health care professionals in Scotland.
The National Wellbeing Hub is a partnership between national, local and professional bodies with a shared passion for looking after the emotional and psychological wellbeing of Scotland’s health and social services workers.