Results Showing | 81 - 90 of 113
Dealing with challenging patient contacts in GP practice
This on-demand webinar is designed for GPs, PMs and other clinical/non-clinical leads in primary care.
Automatic online patient access to NHS England GP records – a Q&A session
Available to watch now, this free webinar is suitable for anyone processing or managing patient records in the primary care team.
Employment law webinar: Flexible working
This on-demand webinar is suitable for anyone responsible for employing or managing teams in medical or dental practice.
Avoiding missed or delayed diagnosis claims in primary care
This on demand webinar is designed for GPs but should also be of interest to other clinicians and PMs in general practice.
Employment Law Webinar: Disciplinary Hearings
Available to watch on demand, this webinar is suitable for anyone responsible for employing or managing teams in medical or dental practice.
Introduction to medical expert work
This one-hour on-demand webinar explores the medicolegal and regulatory aspects of working as a medical expert.
Introduction to human factors in secondary care
This on-demand webinar will explore the importance of understanding and recognising human factors in secondary care.
Introduction to human factors in primary care
Hosted by Liz Price, Head of Training, CPD and Risk Advisory Services at MDDUS, this webinar is available to watch at any time.
Raising and responding to concerns: your duty as a doctor
This one hour webinar will highlight the responsibilities doctors have when they have concerns for patient safety.
GDPR for independent self-employed doctors and private hospital consultants
Available to watch at any time, this one hour webinar is aimed at self-employed doctors and private hospital consultants.