Results Showing | 1 - 10 of 56
Building a safety culture
If preventing harm is as straightforward as following and implementing proven good practice around risk management, why does avoidable harm still occur?
Human factor risks - assertiveness
Assertiveness is a key skill in communication and a lack of assertiveness skills can contribute to adverse incidents
Complaints handling checklist
Use this checklist to review your current system for handling complaints, or as a good practice checklist when setting up a new process within your practice
Consent checklist
This checklist can be used in your practice to review procedures for obtaining patient consent to support compliance with GMC guidance and mitigation of medico-legal risk
Complaints - responding in writing
Find helpful information and a template to assist in formulating a formal letter of response to a complaint.
Team communication for secondary care
Use this checklist to review your current system for handling complaints, or as a good practice checklist when setting up a new process within your practice
Dental complaints handling
This course is aimed at dentists and dental practice managers. It takes around 45 minutes to complete and includes a short assessment at the end
Complaints investigation quiz
Have a go at completing our complaints investigation quiz which addresses some of the more common dilemmas that complaints investigators may face.
Incident reporting system checklist
Use this checklist to review your current incident reporting system, or as a good practice checklist when developing or implementing a new system for your practice
Dental records management checklist
This handy risk checklist will assist dental practices in ensuring they have robust systems and processes in place to manage their patient records