Results Showing | 81 - 90 of 107
Managing complaints in primary care
Taking place on Thursday 2 October from 9.30am to 12.45pm, this interactive course is designed for those leading the management of complaints in primary care
Cognitive bias in clinical practice
Taking place on Wednesday 8 October from 9.30am to 11.30am, this interactive course is designed for doctors and other clinicians working in healthcare environments, particularly in the area of diagnosis.
Professionalism: Fulfilling your duties as a doctor
This five hour, interactive course is designed for any doctor to attend. 4 November 2025, between 9.30am and 3.30pm.
Leadership: Recognising and managing team conflict to reduce risk
Taking place on Tuesday 4 November between 9.30am and 12.30pm, this three hour, interactive course is designed for doctors and dentists who have, or aspire to have, a leadership role
Managing complaints in a hospital setting
Taking place on Wednesday 5 November from 9.30am to 12.45pm, this interactive course is designed for those leading the management of complaints in a hospital setting.
Leadership: DISC analysis to understand and improve communication
Taking place on Wednesday, 5 November between 1pm and 4pm, this interactive three-hour course is designed for doctors, dentists and other clinicians.
Probity for doctors
Taking place on Wednesday, 5 November between 9.30pm and 12.30pm, this three hour interactive Zoom course addresses issues surrounding probity and ethics in everyday working practice.
Risk management: Good practice in record keeping for doctors
Taking place on Thursday 6 November from 9.30am to 3.30pm this course focuses on the key medico-legal requirements and frameworks associated with good record keeping.
Equality, diversity and inclusion workshop
Taking place on Friday 7 November 2025 between 9.30am and 12.30pm, this interactive workshop is designed for doctors or dentists, but may also be useful for anyone working in the healthcare environment
Complaints handling for admin and reception teams in primary care
Taking place on Tuesday, 11 November between 9.30am and 12.30pm this interactive course on handling complaints is designed for administrative staff and receptionists in primary care.