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Specialist list curricula updated by GDC

NEW curricula setting out the knowledge and skills dentists need in order to use the title of specialist have been published by the General Dental Council.

  • 23 March 2023
  • News

HR Alert: The big changes to look out for in 2023

A NUMBER of pieces of legislation are being considered this year which could have big implications for UK practices and their teams.

  • 14 March 2023
  • Article
  • Employment Law Update

Ask the Expert: Do I need to give staff extra bank holidays?

Does the practice need to give staff yet another new bank holiday? We're already struggling with workload.

  • 14 March 2023
  • Article
  • Employment Law Update

NHS plan to further reduce opioid prescribing

OPIOID painkiller prescriptions in England have fallen by 8 per cent in the last three years according to NHS data released with publication of a new action plan to “crack down” on the overuse of potentially-addictive medicines.

  • 08 March 2023
  • News

Acting as a witness for dentists

This course aims to build knowledge on the requirements associated with giving evidence as a professional witness across the various legal systems in the UK.

  • Online course

GDC changes to fitness to practise processes are “pragmatic and sensible”, says MDDUS

MDDUS Head of Dental Division Stephen Henderson said the changes would bring significant improvements for registrants.

  • 02 March 2023
  • Press release

Being prepared for unexpected medical emergencies

Would you know what to do if the practice was asked for access to its defibrillator?

  • 28 February 2023
  • Risk alert

“Shameful“ number of hospital tooth extractions for children

PREVENTABLE tooth decay caused almost 27,000 children to undergo extractions in hospital, new government figures for England show.

  • 27 February 2023
  • News

Scope of practice not just a prescribed list of tasks, says GDC

A NEW consultation on the revision of existing scope of practice guidance has been launched by the General Dental Council with the aim of making it “less prescriptive and more adaptable”.

  • 24 February 2023
  • News

Step closer in regulation of anaesthesia associates and physician associates

A CONSULTATION on new draft legislation that will allow the GMC to regulate anaesthesia associates (AAs) and physician associates (PAs) has been launched by the The Department of Health and Social Care.

  • 24 February 2023
  • News

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