Case file: Right tooth, wrong patient
...the nurse called the next patient and only then did Dr G realise she had consulted the wrong referral letter and therefore extracted the wrong tooth...
Case file: Infected rash
...Mrs H is asthmatic and clinically obese, complaining of a painful skin rash for the past few weeks...
Case file: Botox remote
...The nurse expressed concern that Dr J is providing a remote prescribing service for cosmetic treatments...
Case file: Redaction request
...Mr L is demanding that portions of the letter be redacted, in particular reference to possible psychological factors...
Case file: Bony infection
...It is alleged that the delayed referral resulted in Ms T having to undergo two debridement procedures...
Case file: Threshold for a GMC investigation
...the building contractor threatens to report the doctor to the GMC over an alleged rude personal comment...
Case file: Infected rash
...Mrs H is asthmatic and clinically obese, complaining of a painful skin rash for the past few weeks...
Case file: Excessive SAR request
...the patient has asked for a copy of every phone call she has ever made to the practice...
Case file: Mobile tooth
...Mr K demands that Dr G refund his treatment costs and cover additional payments for further “remedial care”...
Case file: Alleged substandard restoration
...It is also alleged that the restorations at LR6 and LR7 were substandard with Dr F failing to completely remove decay...