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Death certification easements to end

EASEMENTS to death certification processes and cremation forms introduced by the Coronavirus Act 2020 will expire at midnight on 24 March 2022 in England, although some changes will be retained.

  • 25 March 2022
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Call for eight-week delay in giving patients online records access

PLANS to give patients in England online access to their healthcare records should be delayed by at least eight weeks, the Royal College of GPs has said.

  • 15 March 2022
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GMC has “long way to go” in tackling inequality

THE GMC has reported a "slight" reduction in the gap between employer referral rates for ethnic minority doctors and international medical graduates compared to white doctors in its first update on equality, diversity and inclusion targets.

  • 15 March 2022
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Rise in treatments for eating disorders

THE number of young people receiving treatment for eating disorders between April and December of 2021 increased by a quarter from the same period last year and by a third before the pandemic began, according to NHS figures.

  • 08 March 2022
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Research reveals ethnic disparities in cancer rates

ANALYSIS by Cancer Research UK has revealed that white people in England are more than twice as likely to get some types of cancer, including melanoma skin cancer, oesophageal, bladder and lung cancers compared with people from Black, Asian or Mixed ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

  • 07 March 2022
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Cancer report shows increased five-year survival in children

FIVE-YEAR survival rates for patients age 0-14 increased by nearly 10 per cent in period from 2002 to 2019, according a new report from NHS Digital.

  • 23 February 2022
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Racism in the NHS a ‘debilitating’ problem, says BMA

A SURVEY conducted by the BMA has found that over 90 per cent of Black and Asian respondents, 73 per cent mixed and 64 per cent of White respondents said racism in the medical profession is an issue.

  • 23 February 2022
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Surgical teams in England will struggle to meet new targets

SURGICAL teams will face a "big challenge" to eliminate the number of NHS patients in England waiting more than two years for consultant-led hospital treatment by July, warns the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

  • 23 February 2022
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Pre-op surgical care to help reduce cancelled operations

DEDICATED NHS care teams in England will screen patients and develop personalised plans ahead of surgical procedures to boost recovery as well as cut the number of operations that are cancelled on the day.

  • 15 February 2022
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Call to end “unnecessary delay” in registering overseas dentists

THE GDC has announced support for new government proposals to amend legislation causing delay in international routes to registration.

  • 09 February 2022
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