Act quickly on patient complaints
Responding swiftly and carefully to patient complaints can prevent them escalating to a more serious matter.
Caution over self-prescribing
PRESCRIBING drugs for yourself or those close to you might be convenient but could land you in serious trouble with the GMC.
A duty of openness
New published GMC guidance highlights again the responsibily that healthcare professionals in management positions have toward staff raising concerns over patient safety.
Burnout warning for clinicians
Clinicians with health problems must not be afraid to seek help.
Confidential paper records
Take care with confidential paper records.
Think before removing patients
Removing patients from your practice list without good reason could prompt a complaint to the GMC or GDC.
Treat on need not eligibility
Make the care of the patient your first concern when dealing with asylum seekers and undocumented migrants.
Have you read the small print?
Doctors and dentists signing an official report or document must always check it is accurate or risk a challenge from the GMC or GDC.
Sneaking a peek at patient records
Clinicians should resist the temptation to access patient records without a sound clinical reason to do so.
Can a patient be a ‘friend’?
Not best advised according to new BMA guidance for doctors using online social media