Shocking level of sexual harassment directed at female surgeons
A SURVEY of UK surgical staff has found that over the last five years nearly two-thirds of women reported being the target of sexual harassment with 30 per cent subject to actual sexual assault.
Updated NICE guidance could lead to around 100,000 fewer colonoscopies
NICE has recommended that people with signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer should be offered home quantitative faecal immunochemical tests (FIT) which could lead to faster diagnosis and fewer patients referred to secondary care for an unnecessary colonoscopy.
“World first” rollout of cancer jab that cuts treatment time
AN anti-cancer injection that will cut treatment times by up to 75 per cent for some cancer patients is set to be rolled out “within weeks” by NHS England.
Updated GMC guidance highlights support for doctors to “speak out”
NHS leaders must support doctors to act when faced with challenging behaviours at work – so says MDDUS in response to the publication by the General Medical Council of updated professional standards in Good medical practice (GMP).
Dental care professional numbers on the up
THE GDC has reported an increase in the number of dental care professionals (DCPs) on the UK Register compared with the downward trajectory of previous years.
Digital phonelines a positive step says RCGP
DIGITAL phonelines are a positive step but there is “dire need” of more GPs, says the RCGP in response to the Government announcement that more than a thousand GP practices in England have signed up for digital upgrades.
GPs to order “fast-tracked” tests for heart and respiratory conditions
GP practices in England will be able to directly order “fast-tracked” diagnostic tests for a range of respiratory and heart conditions as part of measures announced by NHS England.
GDC publishes clarification on trainee dental nurses awaiting registration
THE General Dental Council has published a statement clarifying the status of dental nurses who have completed training and are awaiting registration.
Treatment cancellations cause major impact
A SURVEY of 1,084 people in England who have had NHS care either cancelled or postponed this year found that 39 per cent had experienced this two or more times, and 18 per cent on the day of or on arrival for an appointment.
NHS England plans for a challenging winter
NHS ENGLAND has set out preparations for a potentially challenging winter with plans for care ‘traffic control’ centres to speed up discharge, additional ambulance hours and extra hospital beds.