Over two thirds of vulnerable patients following shielding advice

  • Date: 30 June 2020

OUT of 2.2 million clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) people in the UK, 63 per cent report that they are completely following shielding guidance to avoid COVID-19, according to analysis from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

CEV people currently or previously receiving treatment for their mental health were more likely to report a worsening in their mental health since being advised to shield (68 per cent and 56 per cent respectively), with females more likely than males irrespective of age group.

ONS statistician Tim Gibbs commented: "We see a continued trend in clinically extremely vulnerable people following the government guidelines, as the proportion of people who report completely following the shielding guidance remains just over 60%. Their main support has come from video or phone calls with family and friends, the ease of prescription deliveries, and food deliveries or food boxes.

"Overall the data paints a reassuring picture, showing us that despite the extra guidance in place for the clinically extremely vulnerable, over half (60 per cent) of the shielding population report no change in their mental health since being advised to shield.

"However, we recognise that the coronavirus pandemic and shielding has had an impact on the mental health of some of the shielding population."

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