
The exceptional circumstances of dealing with COVID-19 must not be forgotten

MDDUS is urging the UK Government to create an expert advisory committee to make recommendations as to how potential concerns over clinicians’ behaviour in delivering care can be considered fairly


Information overload

Can artificial intelligence help tackle the problem of alarm fatigue for secondary care teams?


Chaperones in the age of Covid

Risk adviser Kay Louise Grant offers advice on conducting virtual intimate examinations


Good record keeping essential with remote consulting

Medical adviser Dr Roopinder Brar offers practical advice on record keeping in remote consultations


Professionalism in practice

What does "being professional" mean to you? Senior risk adviser Liz Price explores key risk areas in this fascinating aspect of medical practice


Investigating a death

Key advice on how to prepare and write a report for an investigation into a patient’s death – first in a two-part series


Riding the planet

Adventurist and emergency medicine doctor Stephen Fabes talks to Adam Campbell about his six-year quest to cycle the world

Case study

Case study - Renal foreign body

...After the stent is removed, Mr R suffers a number of urinary tract infections...

Case study

Case study - Wound care

...Mr D accuses the consultant of poor care when treating his sister's arm wound in A&E...

Case study

Case study - Safe working concerns

...Dr S is an ST3 and claims that trainees in her department are being "coerced" into working beyond their rostered hours...


Wellbeing: You are not alone

Dr Zaid Al-Najjar, deputy medical director of NHS Practitioner Health, discusses how the service can help


Ethics: "Know your place"

Professor Deborah Bowman looks at how hierarchy among medical professionals can create a structure within which asking questions and challenging practice may be perceived as risky or even ‘inappropriate’


Book choice: Dear NHS 100 - Stories to Say Thank You

Book review by Dr Greg Dollman


Vignette: Frances Hoggan (1843-1927)

Pioneering physician, researcher and social reformer

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Insight Secondary is published quarterly and distributed to MDDUS members through the UK who work in secondary care

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Insight Secondary Care Q3 cover

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