Online access to records - hot topic FAQs

Woman holds smartphone
Woman having a discussion Risk

When a patient refuses a chaperone

What should you do if a patient says “no” to a chaperone?

Patient undergoing laser eye surgery Practice management

Taking time off for elective surgery

Are employees entitled to fully paid sick leave?

Man taking call with telephone headset Advice

Call log

A range of common - and not so common - queries from GPs and practice managers.

Neon speech bubbles Case file

Excessive SAR request

...the patient has asked for a copy of every phone call she has ever made to the practice...

Close up of an IV drip Case file

Infected rash

...Mrs H is asthmatic and clinically obese, complaining of a painful skin rash for the past few weeks...

Graphic of two people in a disagreement Case file

Threshold for a GMC investigation

...the building contractor threatens to report the doctor to the GMC over an alleged rude personal comment...

Team members interacting Risk

10 questions to ask before giving feedback

Feedback is a crucial part of supporting patient safety – here’s how you can get it right.

Open plastic bottle with pills spilling out Risk

Prescribing controlled drugs

Nearly half of fatal drug poisonings in the UK involve opiates - and clinicians remain at the sharp end. How do you avoid the pitfalls?

Diagram of overlapping facial profiles Human factors

Catalysing civility – resolving workplace conflict

Mediator Owen Bubbers-Jones explains how resolving team conflict can boost staff wellbeing and patient safety.

Eco graphic Environment

The mission to make the NHS greener

If healthcare was a country it would be the fifth largest carbon emitter in the world. But a number of innovative projects are giving cause for optimism.

Blurred medical scene Viewpoint

Malpractice in the media

MDDUS senior lawyer Joanna Jervis provides a reality check on what really happens if you're accused of clinical negligence.

A photo of Dame Margaret Turner-Warwick - RCP London Vignette

Fighting for the future of medicine

Dame Margaret Turner-Warwick - British thoracic specialist and first woman president of the Royal College of Physicians.

Pregnant woman with child Innovation

Online tool reduces disparities in pregnancy risk assessment

The Tommy’s Pathway can help offer personalised care plans to lower the risk of preterm birth or stillbirth in all women.

Sculptor carving statue Ethics

How should a person be?

PROFESSOR Deborah Bowman reflects on how practice makes perfect, even in ethics.


Minimising risk as a GP locum

16 May 2024

Shocking level of sexual harassment directed at female surgeons

15 September 2023

Updated NICE guidance could lead to around 100,000 fewer colonoscopies

31 August 2023

“World first” rollout of cancer jab that cuts treatment time

31 August 2023

Updated GMC guidance highlights support for doctors to “speak out”

22 August 2023

Digital phonelines a positive step says RCGP

18 August 2023

GPs to order “fast-tracked” tests for heart and respiratory conditions

11 August 2023

MDDUS Updates

Professional pitfalls in social media use

02 October 2023

Get 20% off Income Protection for the first two years*

28 September 2023

MDDUS group cover

28 September 2023

MDDUS at the RCGP conference

22 September 2023

Advice for doctors during industrial action

19 September 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting

21 August 2023

Advice for junior doctor members during industrial action

31 July 2023

Editor: Dr Susan Gibson-Smith

Managing editor: Joanne Curran

Associate editor: Jim Killgore

Editorial departments

Medical: Dr Susan Gibson-Smith

Legal: Joanna Jervis

Insight Primary is published quarterly by The Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland, registered in Scotland No 5093 at 206 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5SG.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors in Insight Primary are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of MDDUS.

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Insight Primary is published quarterly and distributed to MDDUS members through the UK who work in primary care

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Insight Primary Care Q1 2021 cover

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