
The art of reflection


What's up doc?


All things confidential


A day in court

Court appearances – be it for an inquest or giving evidence at trial – involve doctors on a regular basis. A few basic tips can help reduce anxiety


Career: A healthy mind

GPs with a special interest in mental health are ideally placed to provide vital advice and support to meet increasing patient demand


Virtual care

Self-confessed geek Dr Keith Grimes talks about his mission to more fully integrate digital technology into the GP consulting room


Medicine at your fingertips

With so many medical apps on the market, doctors have to be increasingly careful in deciding which ones are worth downloading

Case study

Case study: One patch too many

...Dr T increases Ms P's tramadol dose and she is later given fentanyl patches to manage the pain...

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GPST is published twice a year and distributed to MDDUS members in GP training throughout the UK.

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