Writing a statement

From time to time, doctors and other healthcare professionals will be approached to write statements relating to their involvement of the care of patients, and there will often be a professional obligation to respond. This is our guide to members on writing a statement

MDDUS | Woman hand with contract
  • Date: 24 February 2023
From time to time, doctors and other healthcare professionals will be approached to write statements relating to their involvement of the care of patients, and there will often be a professional obligation to respond.

There are various situations when statements may be required, including complaints, significant adverse event reviews, disciplinary processes involving you or colleagues, formal duty of candour procedures, clinical negligence claims, and coroner’s inquests or fatal accident inquiries.

Where providing a statement will require sharing medical information with someone other than the patient, careful consideration must be given to whether or not consent is required from the patient or someone else with the authority to consent.

This guide is a useful tool to members writing a statement. MDDUS members may submit a draft statement for review by MDDUS before submitting it. As a benefit of membership with MDDUS, the guide is free for you to download and refer back to whenever needed.

This page was correct at the time of publication. Any guidance is intended as general guidance for members only. If you are a member and need specific advice relating to your own circumstances, please contact one of our advisers.


Writing a statement

A guide for members on writing a statement.

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