MDDUS | Medical Advisory Guide - it'll be ok

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MDDUS advice to its members on the use of chaperones during intimate examinations.

Patient recording of consultations

MDDUS advice to medical and dental members when a patient records their consultation.

Assessing capacity

MDDUS advice on the core principles of the relevant UK and devolved government legislation that should be applied when conducting a mental capacity assessment.

Coroner's inquests

MDDUS’ advice to its medical and dental members in England and Wales on how to prepare for a coroner’s inquest.

Professional duty of candour (dental)

At look at the key points from the General Dental Council’s professional duty of candour statement.

Remote consulting in a pandemic (dental)

MDDUS advice article on the challenges of remote consulting for dentists.

Safeguarding adults

Some adults may be unclear, unrealistic or ambivalent about their personal circumstances and it is incumbent upon healthcare professionals to work with those adults to understand what “being safe” means to them, and how that can be best achieved.

Parental responsibilities

Parental responsibility refers to the rights and responsibilities that parents have in law for their child/young person, including the right to consent to medical treatment and access medical records.

Engaging with the media

Read our advice on what to do if you are contacted by the media.

Confidentiality - children and young people

The age of absolute consent is generally regarded as being 16 years, but even a child under age 12 may still be able to understand and make rudimentary decisions about how their personal information is used and shared.

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