National Doctors Day

National Doctors' Day

We’re celebrating National Doctors' Day – a day to applaud the contribution of medical professionals who serve our country by looking after patients. Scroll down for some personal insights from one of MDDUS’ medico-legal advisers.

On 30 March every year people around the world take some time to recognise National Doctors' Day, a day where the contribution, efforts and hard work of medical professionals is celebrated.

Now, as doctors face unprecedented challenges with Covid-19, MDDUS medico-legal adviser, Dr Gordon McDavid, reflects on his experience as a healthcare professional and shares a personal message with other doctors to mark National Doctors' Day.

Dr Gordon McDavid

Gordon completed his medical degree at the University of Glasgow, going on to work in various hospitals in the west of Scotland, specialising in general and respiratory medicine.
He completed his MRCP before moving into medico-legal work in 2011. Gordon gained an LLM with distinction from Cardiff University. He has also gained membership of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, where he is now an examiner. Gordon is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, where he is also a mentor and part of their Academy of Clinical Educators. He regularly writes and educates on medico-legal matters and also engages in policy reform activities.


If you were to choose three words which sum up what being a medical professional means to you, what would they be?
  • Caring
  • Hardworking
  • Trustworthy
How do you approach challenging situations as a medical professional?
Taking a logical approach, ensuring you are aware of all the facts and guidance so you can reach an appropriate decision, usually in collaboration with others in your team. When in doubt it is vital to obtain specialist advice and support, such as from MDDUS.
What message would you like to share with other medical professionals on National Doctors' Day?
Being a doctor is hugely rewarding and I am proud to be part of the medical profession. There are many challenges (as recent events have all too clearly demonstrated) yet the professionalism and reliability of doctors consistently shines through. Doctors occupy a unique position in society; implicitly trusted and respected thanks to generations of dedication to helping anyone who is unwell. I wish to congratulate all doctors on this National Doctors' Day and encourage everyone to take a moment to recognise your amazing achievements.


Watch the video: Dr Gordon McDavid reflects on what it means to him to be a doctor and the wider contribution of the medical profession in the UK.

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